Thursday, July 17, 2008

Yarmag Khaan Uul, participatory methods

Architect teacher trainee Lkhagva, vice-director Hashaa, Bolormaa and I together visited client Baatar and three female family members, at Bilig Law Institute on Tuesday afternoon. Baatar, a London based Mongolian businessman, was not unfamiliar with accessible and energy efficient principles, but was less clear on the business model for the conference centre and youth recreation park. Mongolian and international markets for these touched upon. The thirteen year old Mongolian girl advised on youth recreation.

A wish list was drafted in a brainstorming discussion, with cursory reference to the site analysis and photos. Three unattached pieces of land are to be developed after all, but the wish list is bewildering, spanning from skate park to climbing gym. The first three of four main parts of the new brief - Staff Accommodation, Conference, Hotel, and Recreation - were allocated to Uyanga, Lkhagva and Tumen Od respectively. It looked exciting.

Vice-director Hashaa today excitedly shared his idea about adapting the form of roof structure from Fosters' new Beijing Airport. Although I was quietly sceptical, at any rate, the Foster Oevre is of greater educational interest than the Fisher "Dynamic Architecture" tower. (Foster Bulgaria in AJ)

Meanwhile we continued with a teaching workshop on more participatory methods;
Focus Group Discussions - Бүлгийн Хэлэлцүүлэл
Participatory Presentations - Орон Нутгийн Шийдвэр
Picture Stories - Зурган түүх
Problem Tree - Асуудлын Мод
Thought Shower - Санаагаа Илэрхийлэх.
I discussed my London colleague's architecture careers case study with Tsenguune.

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