Friday, July 04, 2008


The project team met today to report back on progress since Tuesday's meeting. No-one had looked at the examples, at first appearing to have forgotten Tuesday's discussion, then claiming language difficulties for studying websites.

So, (again) we reviewed considerations which might be taken into account as a framework eco-design:

1 Solar - passive thermal design principles, orientation
2 Air / wind / ventilation / breeze principles
3 Water collection and disposal

1 Solar - Photovoltaic cells / panels
2 Wind power, direction temperature - including passive ventilation..
3 Insulation (U or K values) composite values for materials / walls, floors / roofs
4 Toilets dry / wet technology eg. EcoSan in Mongolia (Renchinhlumbe Hospital, Khatgal Ger Camp)

We will see what emerges...

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