Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Training continues

Following the departure of TTK colleagues from the day's training, we seemed to be on a roll, and a further architect teacher training workshop followed spontaneously. Lkhagva and Gursed, having graduated with architecture diplomas on Friday, had been selected as future teachers. They happened to be plastering a wall in the college on Monday, and agreed to join Bolormaa and Tsenguune and I for training on participatory teaching methods. The VSO handbook on that subject with its array of methods (here an alternative resource) had attracted great interest from the latter two experienced teachers.

After contemplating the whole matrix of participatory methods offered*, Tsenguune chose the method called 'Answer Cards' and I quickly composed an exercise in order to practically demonstrate how to use the method. After explaining the purpose and process, I distributed three answer cards each (A4 paper torn into A6 quarter-sheets) and requested in Mongolian simple responses to three simple questions about Ulaanbaatar buildings, colours and transport. I collected the participants' enthusiastic responses and facilitated the groups shared analysis and collation of all of the different information on the answer cards. Although Gursed and Lkhagva left unexpectedly to return to their plastering, all had learned something at first hand about one participatory way of exploring a subject lesson.

* Some online resources about participatory methods
Pacific Skills Link
SPARK, Sharing and Promotion of Awareness and Regional Knowledge
Partnerships UK

1 comment:

samraat said...
