Saturday, August 14, 2021

Mongolian Yurts / Gers

In preparation for an appearance on "Architecture in the Den" as @thearchitectscoach, the podcast host Lisa Raynes RIBA asked me for some background on Mongolian Yurts.

I found the Wikipedia article on Yurts to be a useful starting point:, and the following further reading links are provided there, from Wikimedia images to an Encyclopedia entry and some 'expert tips'.

Nomadology in Architecture (2002) my own Master of Architecture dissertation covers yurts in chapter 3

The yurt also appears in a more academic 'ethno-architectural' work by Peter Alford Andrews (1999) Felt Tents and Pavilions; the nomadic tradition and its interaction with princely tentage, Cologne Ethnology Report Sp. Iss. Melinde London.